
Rachel Osterbach, 37, is an advocate best known for her role in A&E's Emmy Award-winning series "Born This Way." The series follows seven adults with Down syndrome as they form friendships, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles. Rachel soon got comfortable with the camera, and watched as cast and crew "became like family." The docu-series was met with critical acclaim as it continued progress toward a diverse and inclusive Hollywood. After presenting at the 2017 Emmy Awards, Rachel and her co-star became the first individuals with an intellectual disability to present at a major awards ceremony. Rachel’s achievements haven’t stopped there!
A New Jersey native, she now lives and works in Southern California, where she plans to soon live independently. Rachel has worked in a clerical position in the insurance industry for over a decade, in addition to being a motivational speaker. In 2014, then-California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Rachel to serve on the State Council of Developmental Disabilities, where she would eventually be reappointed for a second and third term. She is passionate about disability advocacy and “Spread the Word to End the Word,” a movement to end the use of the “r-word.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Hobbies Rachel has enjoyed have included basketball, soccer, and floor hockey through the Special Olympics. She also likes to dance, play the piano, and sing along to Broadway musical numbers, and to her all-time favorite, Adam Lambert. Her favorite movie is “A Star is Born” and her favorite television shows are “Dancing with the Stars” and “America’s Got Talent.” Rachel has a keen eye for showbiz, between these interests and her experience onscreen. She is just one example of many adults with Down Syndrome living out their dreams!
“I would like everyone to know that people with Down Syndrome can do anything they set their minds to. Just like everyone else, we have hopes and dreams and we deserve the opportunity to do our best to achieve them. We can be independent—just give us a chance!”



